Do and Don't

Ecuador is one of the safest countries in the region. However, the precaution measures required must be taken to avoid a number of troubles, of which the most significant include the following:

  • Should you feel unsafe at a specific point, call a taxi and get into any crowded place or find a police officer to help you.

  • Utilize the services of accredited tourist guides and do not utilize the services of people volunteering with excessive kindness.

  • Track your luggage, photography camera or video camera.

  • In forests, parks, beaches etc., always pay attention to the instructions of the tourist guides and the officials responsible for the place, use the courses referred to and follow the warning signs.

  • Not all the beaches of Ecuador are suitable for swimming or the beginner simmers. Review the tide table. If you feel you are getting too far from the shore, keep calm and swim parallel to the shore until you reach it.

  • Travel inside Ecuador in group is better. 

  • Identify and avoid unsafe areas in each city. You can request this information at the hotels or tourism agencies in each city.

  • Prior inquiry about the times by which you can visit the various touristic landmarks of each city.

  • You can leave the most important documents for you in the hotel and you can take a copy of the passport with you during your residence.

  • Avoid carrying large sums of money, it is better to use credit cards. It is not preferable to put on jewelry and expensive watches, especially when using public transportation services.